Friday, August 23, 2024

NPP’s Use of SHS Students in Political Campaigns is Unacceptable and Desperate - Mantse Ayitey

The recent actions by the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to bus Senior High School (SHS) students to their political campaign grounds is an act that I find deeply troubling. This behavior is not only unacceptable, but it also reflects a level of immaturity and desperation that is unbecoming of a political party seeking to lead this nation.

The students, who are being pulled out of their educational environment to fill empty spaces at campaign events, are being denied the opportunity to focus on their studies and live the fullest of their lives. Parents send their children to school to learn and grow academically, not to be used as tools for political gain. It is appalling to see these young minds being exploited to cheer on a presidential candidate whose popularity has already plummeted due to incompetence and poor economic policies.

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia's decline in popularity is not a result of personal dislike from the Ghanaian people. Rather, it stems from his inability to demonstrate the qualities and competence necessary to lead a country like Ghana. The NPP’s reliance on students to create an illusion of support at their rallies only underscores their desperation. It is a hollow attempt to mask the reality that many Ghanaians have lost faith in their leadership due to the economic hardships we face today.

What is even more disturbing is that some headmasters have reportedly expressed concerns about these practices, only to be overruled by orders from above, directing them to send students to campaign events. This is a clear violation of the students’ rights, and it is unacceptable. The Ghana Education Service and the Ministry of Education are failing in their duty to protect the interests of these children and the integrity of our educational system.

As a concerned citizen of Ghana, I cannot stand by and watch this continue. This is a shameful misuse of power, and it is uncalled for. Our children deserve to be in school, learning and preparing for their futures, not being paraded around at political rallies. The destiny of this country depends on how we treat our young people today, and allowing such misconduct to go unchecked is a disservice to our nation.

I strongly urge the Ghana Education Service, the Ministry of Education, and all relevant authorities to put an immediate stop to this practice. Let us allow our children to remain in school, where they belong, so they can learn and grow without being used as instruments in a political campaign. God is watching everything we do, and I believe that we will all be held accountable for our actions in due time.

Mantse Ayitey Writes...

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